Do you have any questions?

How do you define health?

Your state of health is mainly dictated by your lifestyle habits. In fact, at Forêt Mixte, we estimate that 80% or more of your state of health depends on the 4 pillars of health, namely your sleep, your stress management, your nutrition and your physical activities. So, the more healthy lifestyle habits you have acquired, the healthier you will be and the better you will age, but keep in mind that the opposite is unfortunately also true. It is also important to understand that this means that you are the master of your destiny; no one can force you to sleep earlier, quit your stressful job, eat a salad or go play a game of tennis. This freedom is yours!

Why the name Forêt Mixte?

What do you think of when you are asked to think of a forest? Plants, animals, minerals, rivers, mountains, large areas, etc. But do you think of a decaying forest or a thriving organism? The majority will think of a healthy forest where it will be pleasant to go and listen to nature, to discover its residents and its secrets or to taste its treasures. Digging deeper, have you ever asked yourself questions like why does this forest energize me? Or why am I happy in the forest? The reason is multifactorial, but it may simply be because it is healthy and we feel its vital energy; after all, life attracts life! Thus, using the three axes of thinking well, eating well and moving well, the name Forêt Mixte was chosen because the ultimate goal is for everyone to find or regain their health naturally.

Which is more important: sleep well, think well, eat well or move well?

At Forêt Mixte, we think that a quarter is good but a whole is better! This being said, in our pyramid of needs (Maslow), we favour thinking sleep, think, eat and move well in that order. After all, have you ever tried to eat well or move well after a sleepless night or when you were ultra stressed? In reality, most people will start with eating well or even moving well, but our goal is to focus on the whole picture to optimize your health.

Why is moving well important as we age?

To maintain a physical and psychological balance, you’ll need to move: yoga, aquafitness, team or individual sports, Pilates, bodybuilding, TRX, rowing, climbing, athletics, hiking, etc. However, as we age, we notice an increase in fat mass, but especially a decrease in muscle mass. This is called sarcopenia and can be compared to osteoporosis, which is a decrease in bone tissue, especially in the elderly. To maintain your muscle mass and strength, it is important to train by varying the energy systems and types of muscle fibers. Simply put, it is as important to play tennis or row as it is to lift weights or jump on a box.

What is the purpose of a body composition analysis?

It is a physical test that will provide us with several relevant information on your current body composition, i.e. your body fat and muscle mass rate. Moreover, the results are divided into five body sections including the arms, legs and trunk. This way, we can better identify where your muscle mass is distributed and take more precise actions according to your needs. It is highly recommended to do one at the beginning to get a starting picture. You will then decide if you want to do more.

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